Optional extras?


Process model creation

From paper to system

Process model creation

  • Graphic design tool for BPMN 2.0 process models and their properties and attributes
  • Full-fledged support for modelling of concurrent and branching operations
  • Optional process branching and consecutive synchronisation of parallel branches

The first step in moving away from the inefficient ad-hoc work management via ubiquitous emails is to map out the processes and to create simple and then progressively more complex diagrams that express the expected workflow.

The DXP allows you to create your own or import an existing model in the BPMN 2.0 standard. The model is subsequently furnished with features necessary for its interactive operation. Using the added database, the attributes may be assigned to tasks and displayed automatically through dynamic forms. All that remains is to determine the roles involved in the process and the patterns of email notifications for output reports, and you are ready to go!

The database

The written word remains

The database

  • A customer-generated process database with a complete set of data types
  • Dials for selecting attribute values, and for specifying default values and dependencies between attributes
  • Generation of service forms with a selection of fields from the database

Every process has its inputs and outputs - data that must be recorded at every step of the process. With proper tracking, it's easy to use the data to make process branching decisions and generate output reports.

To manage that, DXP uses database mechanism - a set of administrator-definable attributes from which a service form is automatically created. The user just fills in the required values in the pre-defined fields. And the task is done!

Workflow management

When the right hand knows exactly what the left one is doing

Workflow management

  • Notification of users about tasks in progress based on their individual roles
  • Task inbox, which displays task details and their previous history
  • Automated generation of control forms
  • A broad variety of input data types and dynamic dependencies
  • Management of file attachments

The workflow is controlled dynamically in real time based on the structure of the model used. Branching is performed depending on the current values of the pre-selected database attributes. Active tasks and branching blocks or events are highlighted in each workflow state. This allows predicting the next steps, including parallel ones.

Executor selection follows the model-defined logic, but also allows ad-hoc selection or escalation of task resolution to another user in his or her absence, whether scheduled or unexpected. This makes DXP uniquely equipped with an out-of-office assistant feature you may know from email applications.

Outputs and customization

An eagle's eye view of everything you desire

Outputs and customization

  • Overview and management of pending, finished and suspended workflows
  • Advanced sorting options in the workflow overview
  • User selection of information on display - report columns
  • Generation of reports about process progress and outcomes

Process models are organized according to an organizational hierarchy. The management of agendas, models and users is organised in groups. A database designer may be used to define attributes, and a task manager with automated forms to fill-in the data. A graphical process editor, model versioning and an export & import model are also included as a matter of course.

The content of notification emails is created from editable templates with a real-time data input via placeholder variables. Similarly, report templates may be created using a standard Excel sheet. Reports are generated by replacing variables with actual values from the applicable workflow database.

Unique and practical features

Just type it in

Just type it in

You do not need to be a professional programmer to use and deploy DXP. From creating the model in a graphical editor, through defining all parameters of templates for notification reports, you can get by with your basic PC, mouse and keyboard skills.

Tailored for you

Tailored for you

The entire behavior of the system may be tuned and customized, starting from the BPMN model, through all task properties, the shape of the forms, the parameters of the database attributes, to the branching conditions, and deadlines for the execution of tasks and of the entire process.

Only from us

Only from us

One of the unique features of DXP is the out-of-office assistant. Your absence can be scheduled, of course, but it can also be assigned by your supervisor if you suddenly become ill. The system will then automatically reassess who will perform the tasks in your absence.

Web services

Web services

DXP integrates! It can connect and synchronize individual processes and entire organizations. Using the web services, it connects systems, sends and receives data and works with the data in the database.

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